Windows vs. Mac OS

October 15, 2021

Windows vs. Mac OS

When it comes to choosing an operating system, Windows and Mac OS are two of the most popular choices. Both have their own loyal fan base, but which one is better? Let's compare their user interface (UI) and find out.


One of the key differences between Windows and Mac OS is their design philosophy. Windows tends to focus on functionality and productivity, while Mac OS prioritizes aesthetics, simplicity, and ease-of-use.

Windows Design

Windows has come a long way since its early days of clunky buttons and menus. Currently, it has a clean and modern design, with customizable live tiles and taskbar icons. Furthermore, Windows has a wide range of skins and themes available for users to personalize their experience.

Mac OS Design

From the start, Mac OS's UI has always been a thing of beauty. The design is simple, elegant, and streamlined with minimalistic icons and menus which leads to a more intuitive experience. Also, Mac OS has the option of the dark mode where it turns the whole screen dark.


Both operating systems have unique features that affect how easy it is for users to navigate around them.

File Organization

Mac OS comes with Finder, which provides a clear, organized way to sort through and locate files. Finder has a feature called "Stacks" that keeps a user's desktop clean by grouping files by type or date. Furthermore, Finder has a quick preview option, showing thumbnails of files in the Finder window.

Windows, on the other hand, has File Explorer, which functions similarly to Finder. It has "Quick Access", which shows a list of frequently accessed folders and files. Another feature is the "OneDrive integration", allowing files to be stored online and accessed from the desktop.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Both Windows and Mac OS have a vast range of keyboard shortcuts. However, Mac OS provides more universal shortcuts that are easier to remember and use. For example, to copy a file in Windows, users would typically use the shortcut "Ctrl + C." But in Mac OS, it would be "Command + C," making it easier for users to transition between Mac laptops and desktops.


Customization is a key aspect for many users while choosing an operating system. So, let's take a look at customization options on both platforms.


Windows provides several customization options to personalize the user experience. Windows has a feature called "PowerToys", which allows modifications to the taskbar, file explorer, and more. Users can also use third-party software like Rainmeter for customization.

Mac OS

Mac OS may not offer as much customization as Windows, but it still has a range of options available. Users can choose from different wallpapers, screensavers, and themes. Additionally, Mac OS provides scripting functionalities through Automator, enabling users to automate repetitive tasks.


Both Windows and Mac OS have their pros and cons. In terms of design, Mac OS takes the cake with its simple and elegant UI. Meanwhile, Windows offers a more functional and productive UI. However, shortcuts and file organization on Mac OS provide a better user experience. Still, both platforms offer a range of customization options to enhance the user experience.

Ultimately, the decision between operating systems is down to personal preference and needs. So, which one is the winner? You be the judge!


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